Gebre Merha Yohannes

Welcome to Gebre Merha Yohannes

Gebre Merha Yohannes is an Ethiopian artist received the traditional training – was born and raised in the ancient holy city and former imperial capital of Axum (Aksum) from Priest Merha Yohannes and W/ro Mebrhat Demoze.

I was learned iconography and painting in the traditional manner, passed down for generations in my family of distinguished artists. Now I live and work in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia. My family provides me with wood for his carvings and paintings from the mountains surrounding Axum.

My birthplace, Axum, is also known for its rich archeological findings and a house for the Biblical Ark of the Covenant (that contains which lie the Tablets of Law upon which the Ten Commandments are inscribed) at St Mary of Zion church, built-in 1665. Other features of Axum include the Northern Stelae Park or the Obelisk of Axum monuments erected in the town which are carved with architectural designs.

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After many years of making art and a variety of craft making, I would like to show you some of my works. This site depicts hand-painted by Gebre Merha based on traditional sacred images, developed over the centuries as part of the worship of the Christian Orthodox churches.

  • With rich and luminous colors

  • Biblical history is expressed in highly detailed

  • Wood is beautifully carved

  • Layout from typical of many pocket-size personal icons up to very large ones

  • Prophets and the other.

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